Special Days

Every day is special.

Especially if you find yourself on any form of social media, we are inundated with the “special” days. I’ve often wondered if there’s a special day for every thing, and when I discovered that the first Saturday in May is known as World Naked Gardeners Day, I think I’ve now heard it all 😁

Special days are great.

And, it’s also worth celebrating the ordinary in every day.

Our ordinary days are when we keep up with our regular habits and practices. 

Our ordinary days are when we make a little more progress on our projects and goals. 

When we reflect back on our ordinary days they seem like ‘just another day’ and yet we feel grateful and satisfied.

It is fun to celebrate the special, out-of-the-ordinary days. And, it is good to remember that it is the ordinary days are what take us closer to achieving our goals, projects and the change we seek.

Where are you celebrating the ordinary in your day?


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