Step Forward

“It’s like running underwater!”

When these words were spoken in a recent coaching session, they rang in my ears. Nothing like a good simile or metaphor to evoke the true feeling of a situation.

I, too, have had times when it feels so slow, almost impossible to make any real progress. It is frustrating, saps our time and energy and can result in us giving up.

Days later, my client emerged from running underwater to report that they had taken a tiny step forward. 

In the context of the change they are seeking, it is minute. 

In the context of hope, optimism, possibility, momentum and forward progress, it is huge.

The step forward is (just) a meeting. A meeting that seemed impossible 2 years ago, and as recent as last week. It is truly a win for persistence and determination. 

A timely reminder for when we’re running underwater: at any moment we might find ourselves coming to the surface and able to swim toward the change we seek.

I’m curious, what might be your tiny step forward this week?


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