What If What Is

What if …

are two of my favourite words.

Most often used to prompt myself, or others, to imagine and explore what is possible.

Sometimes, it’s helpful to use ‘what if’ to consider what is.

It’s a trap for us change seekers to be constantly looking beyond now, into a future of possibility and change. We have intentions for change, goals to kick, and plans to accomplish.

What if we stopped for a moment to consider the now?

What if we are satisfied with things as they are?

What if we have all that we need right now?

What if we choose acceptance over change?

I wonder how tapping into our gratitude and current satisfaction provides some relief from the new year intention setting and striving pressure.

Perhaps these kinds of ‘what if’ questions open up a whole new set of possibilities to explore.

What if we discover the change we truly seek?


Ideas To Action


Expect Change