Ideas To Action

What shall I do with all of these ideas?

I know, some people use weekends to tidy the wardrobe, living room or the desk. Others (or, maybe only me!) use them to tidy up all of the ideas floating around.

When we take scientist Linus Pauling’s words to heart:

The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas

we can end up with LOTS of ideas.

Until we do something with them they risk being untidy mental, digital and physical clutter.

I’ve spent many years developing and tweaking my system for organising these lightbulb moments, and it has helped me to take many of them from a spark of insight to an idea in action. Of course, I do revert to the sticky note and scraps of paper system every now and again, hence why some quiet time on a weekend gets them all in order.

And with that, I’m ready for the next idea to pop into my brain.

I’m curious, what do you do with all of your ideas?


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