Time To Breathe

I haven’t got time to breathe …

Yes, we’ve officially reached the end-of-year panic and frenzy stage.

And, whilst we may feel as though we don’t have time to breathe, there’s many a reason to make time to breathe. Other than the obvious ‘if we don’t breathe, we die’ reason 😉

Making time to breathe …

… reduces our stress,

… enables clear thought,

… gives us energy,

… creates a calm environment, and

… provides others with permission to breathe, too.

Whether it is one deep breath, some dedicated box-breathing, a short guided meditation, a walk around the block or office, eating lunch away from our computer, or a quick chat on an unrelated topic, making time to breathe helps.

I’m curious, how might you make time to breathe and find some calm and joy at this time of year?


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