Lost Along The Way

“I got lost somewhere along the way …”

We were celebrating the accomplishments of a group of people, their daily commitment to  practice, their eye on the long term prize of getting their thing done.

My colleague shared that they, too, had a ‘thing’ but on the path to done, they took a left turn, followed by a right one, stopped a little while, circled around again, another right turn … and found themselves lost.

And, there they stayed.

Lost somewhere on the path to getting their thing done.

We’ve all been there in some way. Whether it is not having been clear on the thing in the first place. Or, perhaps without guardrails or a plan to get us there. Or, so engrossed in the daily practice and doing that the ‘thing’ turned into a plethora of things.

My colleague didn’t begrudge those we were celebrating as having reached the done stage of their thing.

Instead, it inspired them to look closer at where they currently stood, and how they might keep on treading a new path to done.

We all get lost sometimes.

And, thankfully, it isn’t fatal. Instead a natural part of the learning and process of having a goal, a dream, or a desire.

If you’re feeling a little lost, how might you find that new path to done?


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