Remember Me?

Remember me?

If you’re anything like me, this would have been the message behind at least one email landing in your inbox during the last week.

As much as it can be both intriguing and a little exasperating to see businesses come out of the woodwork during a sales period, there can be an upside.

When I received a ‘remember me’ type email from an education service provider, I was immediately taken back to the idea behind sourcing some interesting and useful information from this company. That information had promptly gone into my resources folder and had not been put to the original use I had intended.

I know I’m not alone in such behaviour. It can happen that our intentions and our reality don’t match.

Reflecting on this long ago idea, I returned to the purchased material and was amazed to discover it is a perfect case study for an upcoming presentation.

The idea hasn’t gone anywhere. The information hasn’t gone anywhere. I had just fallen into the trap of looking for new and different. It’s far too easy to jump into Google or chatGPT and start again, when we already have what we’re looking for.

I’m curious, where else might a ‘remember me’ moment help us discover something we need right now?


Time To Breathe


Everything Influences