Everything Influences

Everything influences each of us …

These words from poet Maya Angelou came to mind as I found myself doing a bit of late-Spring cleaning.

Her full quote states that we are the “sum total of everything [we’ve] ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot” and as I re-discovered some influences from my own sum total, it couldn’t be truer.

Today, I found myself ‘remembering when’ and ‘wow, that was an adventure’ and ‘imagine had I not …’ through the puzzle pieces of my experiences.

Time marches forward, and we can be quick to forget whether by choice, or by chance.

When we remain mindful of how the puzzle pieces influence our current reality, and when we take time to reflect and learn from these moments, we get to face the future with the full picture of hope, possibility and promise. And, that is an experience bound to influence us further, don’t you agree.

I’m curious, how might you rediscover the parts of your sum total?


Remember Me?


Super Humans