Make A Difference

You have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

These wise words from Dr Jane Goodall remind us that we each get to choose how we move through our days.

Often we consider making a difference to be about the big things. It turns out that the little things often matter more.

The full quote from the amazing Dr Goodall is: You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.

Today, whilst collecting my grocery order at the Click and Collect station, the young woman assisting me - who I see a couple of times each week - made a point of telling me about a specific grocery item that I sometimes buy and that had been out of stock in recent times. She explained that they would be back in stock soon but in a new section and explained how I would be able to find the new item online. For someone who assists many customers each and every day with their unique orders, this personalised service is amazing. Not only to remember these details, but to care enough to share the information and help me out, made my day.

The act of being thoughtful, helpful and kind was a choice, and it made a difference to me.

This week you will have an impact on the world - your world - and I’m curious, what difference you choose to make.

Footnote: so taken by the kindness of this gesture, I’m heading over to my good friend, and colleague, Daniel Burns’ Kindloook site to log this act of kindness in the global kindness portal. If you want to read more stories of people making a difference with kindness, you can find the link here.


What You Seek


Don’t Hit The Wall