Don’t Hit The Wall

My computer just hit the wall.

No, not an actual wall. Thankfully.

It was the proverbial ‘I’m trying to do too much, I need a rest’ wall.

In my conversations with people at this time of year, there’s a lot of wall-hitting happening. It has been a long year, with a lot happening.

There were signs my computer was ready to hit the wall.

And similarly, we see small signs, that we may ignore in the moment, as we do one more thing.

When my computer hit the wall, I had no choice except to give it a rest. I closed all the apps, all the files, all the tabs. I powered down and gave it some time before rebooting.

After this little rest and recharge, it is back to usual functioning.

Perhaps it is time to heed the signs, to rest and recharge before we hit the wall this week.


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