What You Seek

What you seek is seeking you.

This from the poet, Rumi, is one to be kept front of mind. At all times, and especially this time of year.

As we catapult toward the end of another year, our minds may wander to this question of what it is we seek. We may be looking back and wondering if the goals, changes and/or dreams we had for the year remain possible. We may ask ourselves if it is better to set our sights on the new year as a fresh opportunity to begin again.

Or, we may take today to do something.

That something might be clarifying our thoughts, reflection and analysis, writing, researching, planning, mapping ideas, creating samples and experiments, sharing and talking with others, finishing what we started, or taking another small step of progress forward, or any such thing.

When we put soemthing - anything - out into the world around that goal, change or dream we seek, we are sending the signal. To ourselves, to others, to the universe.

Believing that what we seek is also seeking us requires trust. Taking intentional action requires courage. Together, they may well produce the outcomes we are seeking.

I’m curious, what are you seeking?


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