It’s A Start

It’s been a slow start.

And, that’s okay.

It doesn’t always feel okay when we have a slow start. It can make us feel anxious, inadequate, and a pressure to “catch up”.

When we talk of fast and slow, it often sends us down the path of considering a race or competition.

Slow start. Yikes, we are going to lose.

Fast start. Be careful not to use your energy up too quickly and get overrun at the end.

Steady pace. There’s a rumour that is what it takes to win the race.

The good thing is that for most of what we’re doing in our work and life it isn’t a race.

Not really.

We might use the analogy at times to give us a little push of motivation and energy. We might find ourselves on a time deadline akin to a competition against the clock. We might consider when our long term and short term horizons similar to a marathon and a sprint.

So, when we hear ourselves say, it’s been a slow start. And, if we feel the accompanying concern of being behind or similar, then it’s good to remind ourselves that it’s not a race.

A slow start is a slow start.

And, it’s a start.

If you’ve had a slow start, I hope it was just the start you needed for today.


Attitude Is A Choice


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