Celebrate Everyday

What are you celebrating?

Whilst celebrating a family milestone, it made me think of how we have a tendency to think of celebrations as being for the big occasions.

It’s the same in our workplaces where we tend to reserve celebrations for the major milestones, awards and achievements.

What if we made a habit of celebrating the everyday things?

In my daily shared gratitude practice, we sometimes have something big for which to be grateful. Most days, though, our gratitude is directed toward a good cup of coffee, a chat with a family member or friend, something delicious we ate, and a walk in the sunshine.

There are plenty of small, seemingly inconsequential things that happen in a work day. These are the things we usually take for granted. These are the things we may not notice in the busyness of a normal day.

What if we chose to recognise them?

Neuroscience tells us that acts of celebration, gratitude and mindfulness evoke a positive response in our brains, reducing stress and anxiety and making us feel better.

All the more reason to go ahead and celebrate those big events and milestones. And even more reason to keep our minds focused for all the little moments to celebrate in a day.

I’m curious, what might you celebrate this coming week?


It’s A Start


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