Attitude Is A Choice

“Excuse me …”

“Hello …”

“Excuse me …”

I watched as the shop assistant was approached by customer after customer. In quick succession, they battled for his attention and bombarded him with question after question.

“My order …”

“When …”

“I need …”

It was a moment of chaos.

I watched as the assistant brought calm to the situation, answers to the questions, and positivity to each interaction.

With an apology for the delay, the assistant raced to get my order.

The moment of chaos had calmed and I curiously enquired about how he was navigating his workday.

“We have someone away sick and it has been frantic … but I feel good that we’re still helping customers as quickly as always.”

It reminds me of the quote from author Brendon Burchard: In all the chaos, never forget that you can choose to bring the joy!

Observing this young person bring the joy (AND calm, understanding, empathy and more) to their day, brought joy to mine.

It is amazing what a difference we can make, when we choose to.


Oh No Moments


It’s A Start