Oh No Moments


That was what I felt when the message flashed across my screen: file does not exist.

My rational brain would know that it exists somewhere, and at most I may lose the latest additions. My panicked brain wasn’t thinking rationally in that moment.

There’s many times in the average workday where we might find ourselves in a panic moment.

There are always uncontrollable elements in our technological, physical, and human environments that can throw us off course.

We often think that adaptability, flexibility and resilience are skills reserved for the big moments of change and disruption in our workplace. Yet, micro moments of panic, stress and overwhelm are precisely when we need to tap into these.

Deep breath. Take a break. Ask for help. Consider options and alternative scenarios. Take a small step. More deep breaths. All of which helps us reconnect with our rational brain and stops the panic.

I stopped the panic.

I found my file.

Phew. All is well again.

I’m curious, what’s your response in an ‘oh no’ moment?


Too-Hard Basket


Attitude Is A Choice