Finding Your Rhythm

What is the rhythm of your day?

What is the rhythm of your week, your month, your year? What is your work rhythm? What is your leisure rhythm?

Figure out the rhythm of life and live in harmony with it. Lao Tzu

When introducing a change into your life it’s important to know how it fits into your existing rhythm.

When is your energy and motivation highest? Is your routine fixed or variable? How much control do you have over how you structure a day/week/month/year? How intentionally do you live? Where are you reactive to external influences? When do you speed up, and when do you slow down? Do you make time for deep work?

We all have our own rhythms.

If your new habit, new skill, new hobby, new job doesn’t work in harmony with your rhythm, it’s unlikely to stick. Yes, you can change your rhythm (and sometimes you have to) but most times it’s easier and more effective to work with your existing rhythm.

How does your rhythm affect the change you seek to make?


Finding The Others


Don’t Start Tired