Finding The Others

We often feel like the change we seek to make is ours, and ours alone. I want to get fit, I want to start a business, I want to learn an instrument. When I feel it’s all about me, then I often feel it’s all up to me.

What if we were to engage those around us in the change we seek to make?

Finding the others who want what you want. My friend from work also wants to get fit. Perhaps we can walk together at lunch time.

Finding the others who have skills or knowledge. My uncle quit his job last year and started a business. Perhaps he can give me some pointers on where to start.

Finding the others who can support your efforts. I need half an hour to attend a guitar lesson. Maybe if I ask my family to help me with some things so I have time.

The only mistake you can make is not asking for help. Sandeep Jauhar

What if you were to find the others who you can ask for help? How will that help you with the change you seek to make?


Finding Clarity


Finding Your Rhythm