Better Ahead

If you always do what you you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

There’s a reason this is a well-used quote (and attributed to a number of different people, too).

We can relate to it. We’ve experienced the frustrating outcome of this many times over.

From ourselves, when we are repeating well-worn yet ineffective habits.

From our teams, when we feel the pushback on suggestions for change and innovation.

From our workplace leaders and culture, when we are told this is how it’s always been done.

With care and curiosity we can envision a new way forward. With courage and conviction we can push back on the pushback. With confidence and commitment we can work through to a different, better outcome.

And then the saying might transform to: if we explore and experiment with a different approach, we might just find a better way.

Sounds good to me, what about you?


Effort Paradox


Don’t Stop Now