Don’t Stop Now

“Was the gym busy?”, I asked my son.

“No … the new year enthusiasts have dropped off”, he replied.

It’s not just the gym-goers that are struggling, it’s any of us who have set fresh new intentions for the year. Because it’s that time when things start to wane. Many use this as a reason not to set goals at the beginning of the year. And yet, it doesn’t matter when we begin, change rarely happens without a wobble, or two.

Going from where we are to where we want to be is like a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs, and round and rounds.

The challenge for each of us is to make it through the wobbly moments.






Whether it’s a new exercise habit, or something else, now is the moment to consider where you’re at. And, if your roller coaster has ground to a halt, press that start button and get moving again.

I’m curious, what might you do this coming week to keep things moving with the change you seek to make?


Better Ahead


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