Wrong Is Alright

There was a character in a tv show I watched growing up who could never admit to being wrong.

I get it. In most of our work and lives we are applauded for being right.

Being wrong would be … well … wrong. Right?

Except that, as humans, we’re not always right. And, most things are not a right vs wrong binary. Work, and life, is more nuanced than that.

If we’re bound to get things wrong on occasion, or things change and so must our previous decisions or beliefs, then being able to admit it and adapt is a vital human skill.

Do we need to be right, or do we need to do the right thing?

Do we need to be right, or do we need to be better?

Do we need to be right, or do we need to change?

If we’re too attached to being right, we will miss the opportunities before us. If we act with curiosity, an open mind and humility, our leadership will shine.

I’m curious, when wrong, what will you choose?


Life Admin Day


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