Life Admin Day

A friend of mine took a “life admin day” this week.

It should be A THING don’t you agree!

Cramming all of our non-work things into a weekend is not always possible, nor ideal.

Years ago there was a school of thought that we could leave our life at the door when we came to work each day. Of course, the research is clear that there is no such delineation, and it is becoming even more blurred.

If (when!) the life admin starts to accumulate it can have a huge impact on our stress levels, focus and energy.

After clearing some of those pressing life to-do’s, my friend was able to relax, guilt and obligation free, with a good book.

Now, that sounds like a worthwhile use of time.

I’m curious, who’s with me in supporting the idea of National Life Admin Day 🤔


Moving Through


Wrong Is Alright