Where’s The Glass?

Change lessons from dogs (number infinity plus one)

The video was captioned: he doesn’t realise there isn’t any glass. As you would expect, it showed a dog who was sitting waiting for the door to be opened, not realising that the glass was missing.

Watching it made me wonder, hmmm, how often do we base our behaviour on what we are expecting to see?

Eventually the dog in the video was shown that he could go through the glass-less doorframe, and so he did.

How well do we adapt when we notice, or are told of, changed circumstances?

The dog returned to the door and tentatively leaned in to check if the glass was, or wasn’t, there.

How might we choose a way of navigating work and life with greater awareness and curiosity, and less expectation?

Thanks, Fido, for a change worth making.


Wrong Is Alright


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