Work Smarter

Work smarter, not harder.

Common encouragement from those in the technology and productivity fields.

In a meeting today, I received a technology tip to assist with organising information. I’d vaguely heard of it before and, if I looked, I might well find a note jotted somewhere to investigate how it works.

After the meeting, I took 10 minutes and implemented the change in my computer’s settings and, voila, I’m set to go. This tiny tweak is going to make a big difference to how I work.

Unfortunately, too many of these “working smarter” learnings go by the by for many of us. The paradox of there being many helpful tools, tips and techniques and not enough time and space in our days to learn and implement them is not lost on me.

Just as I have time set aside for learning and improvement activities in other areas, I’ve revisited my monthly calendar to make some time for technology and productivity related changes.

I’m curious, how often are you implementing changes to improve how you work?


Fresh Eyes


Good Thoughts