Good Thoughts

That’s a good thought …

I listened to someone give this feedback recently and my initial reaction was that all thoughts are good thoughts.

In the sense that it is good to be thinking, then this is no doubt true. It’s also true that some thoughts are more beneficial than others.

As someone who has a gazillion thoughts running through my head in waking hours (and possibly sleeping hours!) I have had to develop a way of distilling them.

It is only through this process below that I can translate my thoughts into useful actions.

The first is to capture them in a systematic and thorough manner.

The second is to give them time and space to deepen, which can be achieved through an iterative process of percolation and reflection.

The third is to share them, both asynchronously and synchronously, to test and shape them.

I do believe that Winnie the Pooh had it right to encourage us all to Think, Think, Think. And, when we take that thinking and put it to good use, we really can make change happen.


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