Viva le Tour

Enjoy the ride.

On any of life’s journeys we are encouraged to do this.

As I find myself watching this year’s Tour de France and ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the cute little towns and amazing vistas that the riders pass through on the journey, I wondered how they might be able to enjoy the ride.

Are they able to take in the surrounds, or is their focus on the riders around them, the next hill climb, today’s destination or even the final stage of the race in 2 weeks’ time?

I’ve often had people say to me that upon achieving a goal that they wished they had been more present in the moment, immerse in the challenges and joys, and imprint the memories along the journey, rather than rush in a blur towards that destination.

This 24-day, multi-stage bike race really does parallel our experience on any longer goal journey. Yes, we need to remain focused, and we don’t want to be constantly distracted by the spectacular scenery on the horizon. And so, whilst we may not be able to enjoy every single minute of the ride, we can expand our focus to include a mindful appreciation and gratitude for all that we experience along the way.

Viva le tour!


Good Thoughts


Always Learning