Fresh Eyes

Over the last week we have had some beautiful sunrises here. Each morning as I notice the sky light up with the morning hues, I take a moment to pause and drink it in. A few moments of wonder and awe to kickstart the day.

I’ve stood in the same place and watched the sunrise thousands of times before. However, each time feels like a brand new moment.

It’s helpful to bring that same sense of wonder and awe to the things we do in work and life.

Looking at even the simplest of tasks - ones we’ve done thousands of times before - with a fresh set of eyes has so many benefits.

Staying in the moment, rather than mindlessly rushing past, allows us to see the beauty and wonder in all that we do;

It is much easier to feel gratitude and appreciate things when we are taking notice;

As nothing is precisely the same each time, there is always something to learn; and

Noticing helps us to identify opportunities for change and improvement.

I’m curious, where might you find some wonder and awe in your day?


Use It or Lose It


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