What’s New?

I’m surrounded by people starting something new.

New career direction.

New book.

New creative project.

New client.

New team.

It made for the perfect writing prompt of: what does it take to do something new?

A question to which there is no single, correct answer. [Sidenote: aren’t they the best type of questions!]

Starting something new may well include:

Curiosity, vision, and dreams of what might be possible.

Motivation, courage and time to start.

Conviction, practice and effort to overcome resistance.

Support, encouragement and feedback to keep going.

And, if “new” feels scary and impossible, then a place to store any fear, doubts or blocks is useful, too.

As the T.S. Eliot quote states, “every moment is a fresh beginning”. I’m curious, is this the moment of something new for you?


Believe In Change


Think About It