Think About It

“I’ve never really thought about it …”

Such was the answer given in a recent reflection exercise.

It’s not surprising.

Our workplaces are busy places, focused on doing, achieving, and productivity. If there’s thinking to be done it’s about the things to be done.

Our lives are busy. Often there is little space, time or energy left for deep thinking and reflection.

And then someone asks us:

What do you think?

How do you feel?

What are you seeking?

The answers aren’t at hand. We might tell ourselves a story that we don’t know the answers.

Except we do.

While we are busy going about work and life, the answers are accumulating.

Even a few moments in a week dedicated to reflecting helps to sift and sort, and bring those answers to the surface.

Reflection is looking back in order to look forward.

If you find yourself saying that you’ve never really thought about it, now might be the time to try.


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