What We See

On a recent walk, I spotted two young children sitting on the pavement with a magnifying glass in hand. As I got closer I could see that they were inspecting two bugs on the ground.

They were chatting about the changing colours from the different angles. One child then turned the magnifying glass toward their arm, and they laughed at the close up of hairs and freckles.

We might spend much of our time with a magnifying glass aimed on the work we are doing - a close up of a problem, or getting a task done.

What other lessons can we and our teams apply in our workplaces?

How can we bring curiosity and wonder to our close-up inspections? What can we notice from a different perspective?

And, what might we find if we turn the magnifying glass toward ourselves every now and again?

These young children were having fun with their magnifying glass. How about you?


Experience New


Trusting Your Gut