Trusting Your Gut

In these situations, I trust my gut.

These were the words from an intuitive leader I work with.

In our information and data-filled world of work, intuitive leaders are often challenged to prove their decisions and views.

And whilst it is tempting to believe that intuitive thinking comes from nowhere and is akin to a hunch or a guess, it actually arises from our ability to learn and connect patterns of prior knowledge and experiences.

In his book, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell distinguishes between ‘blinking’ and ‘thinking’. As with most things, the AND is important.

For my intuitive leader they describe listening to their gut as an inbuilt flagging system, prompting them to look closer and do further analytical thinking about a situation.

As Gladwell writes in his book, “there can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis”.

Some of us intuitively know this to be true.

How about you?


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