The Wow Quota




The wows multiplied as we listened to the speaker relaying a fascinating story.

In the Q&A that followed, someone piped up with “we’ve used up today’s ‘wow’ quota …”

It’s true, we might notice when the wows are flowing thick and fast, as generally speaking, we’re not accustomed to sharing our wonder and curiosity so openly. Often, in workplaces especially, the predominant expectation is to know and do, rather than wonder and learn.

Wow, of course, is not a finite resource. Our level of wow doesn’t diminish as we use up wows. If anything, when our own wows flow, our collective wow grows.

In a more techy description, a group of life-long learners makes for a learning team and organisation. And, learning organisations are the ones who discover, adapt, innovate and grow.

Which makes me wonder how we might increase our daily wow quota as we learn and grow together.


Better Than Expected


Floating Above