Better Than Expected

“It’s going to be a disaster …”

“I’m going to fail …”

“It will be awkward …”

How often do we tell ourselves this story as something big looms on the horizon?

Logic, and accuracy, are pushed aside when there’s fear and angst in the equation.

Truth is that we’re not able to accurately forecast the future, and as has been proven many times over, things often turn out better than we expected.

I’ve stopped counting the number of times people I know, and work with, have followed up statements like the ones above with,

“It wasn’t too bad, after all”

“I enjoyed it”

“I knew more than I realised”

Or words to this effect.

What if were able to hold the thought of “what might happen” a little lighter? How might that help us to prepare for that big occasion with focus and care?

And, what story might we tell ourselves instead?


Shutting Down


The Wow Quota