Floating Above

The poet, Mary Oliver, in her poem The Ponds expressed a yearning to “float a little above this difficult world”.

It’s a relatable desire when things are tough.

It’s also great advice to action.

In the workplace, people often express frustration and despair when relaying a difficult problem that appears unsolveable, a difficult relationship that is impacting them and others, or a difficult project that has gone completely off track.

All of these things feel larger, pressing, and difficult when we are in close. Every detail is monitored. Every setback feels catastrophic. Every day feels impossible.

When we choose to “float a little above”,

we are able to

zoom out,

ask a question (or three),

shift our perspective,

identify other opportunities,

regain hope and optimism, and

take a helpful next step.

Where might you be feeling a yearning to “float a little above” and how might that help you with the change you seek to make?


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