The Time It Takes

Have you ever baked your own bread from scratch?

Much like the change process, it’s one of those things that takes the time it takes.

As much as we might try and shortcut the process, doing so often ends up ruining our outcome. Flat bread, anyone?

Our change efforts also need time to prove.

I see this in both one on one coaching, and in team programs, where the time between sessions allows the opportunity for the change to take shape.

In our workplaces, we are conditioned into having the answers and taking action immediately. When we give ourselves some time and space between the initial work and the end result, we get to see the change in action. We gain greater clarity and confidence as better decisions and actions literally rise in front of us.

Better change, and great bread, are both worth the time and effort, don’t you agree?


Changing Words


Commit To Change