Changing Words

16,000 words.

I recently spotted some research suggesting that is how many words on average we speak in a day. That’s a big number and I’m sure there are some days I easily surpass it 😉

Why does it matter? Put simply, our WORDS are powerful. The words we speak - aloud and to ourselves - can be one of the biggest hurdles in making change happen.

When we think about some of our everyday conversations, we see this in action.

If you’re here in Perth, like me, you will have noticed many a recent conversation being about how cold the weather is. Our brains are very good at zooming in on the words we use. The “it’s so cold, I can hardly move” can literally be immobilising. Or, at the very least distracting, as we consume warm drink after warm drink.

Imagine what happens when the words we use keep us from our important goals. Perhaps “I’m not qualified enough” translates into not applying for a new role; or “They ignore me” keeps you from leading a team project; or “Squirrel … I’m easily distracted” holds you back from learning a new skill ….

Change occurs when we take action and by reframing the words we use, we can lead ourselves to the actions that make change happen.

I’m curious, how mindful are you of the words you use, and what words do you choose to reframe to move you closer to the change you seek?


Sourcing Courage


The Time It Takes