Sourcing Courage

It takes courage to make a change.

As Michelle Obama says, courage is contagious.

I love getting to see this in action during group coaching programs, where people crowdsource their courage through sharing the ups and downs of the change they are seeking to make.

It’s true, fear can hold us back. Whether it be fear of the unknown, fear of not being good enough, fear of failing and fear of succeeding, it can make taking the first step toward change the most difficult.

When others support you, help you to see what is possible, have your back if (when) you stumble, then you can bravely take that first step, which leads to two, then three and so on.

We can source the courage to face the fear from the company we keep.

I’m curious, where can you crowdsource some courage for the change you seek?


Reflect Together


Changing Words