Reflect Together

We humans are chronic underestimators. Especially when it comes to measuring our progress.

We see it often when people are asked to reflect on what they have achieved in the last week/month/quarter. With a response along the lines of ‘not as much as I need/want …’, the tendency is to understate it and focus in on what wasn’t achieved.

Reflecting on our progress is vital if we are to sustain change, and we need to be mindful of our natural limitations.

That’s why I love reflecting with others. When we share our progress with others, whether it be our team, a mentor or coach, a mastermind group, we benefit from the perspective and observations of others. Chances are they will see progress that we are simply unable to see.

Instead of focusing in on the gap, a more accurate estimation of our progress raises our energy and motivation to keep going. When we reflect together it is like having a super-powered mirror.

As we close out the working week, who might help you reflect on the progress you are making?




Sourcing Courage