
There’s no one pathway to getting something done. 

We all have days when we cannot focus. We start and get distracted. We start again and hit a brick wall. We start again and make a little more progress. We get interrupted and we have to start again.

When we compare these to the days where we are in flow, no wonder we get frustrated.

Reminder: when we are doing important work there are always going to be false starts.

It’s unrealistic to expect that we will always be in flow. Life happens. We can be tired, unwell, overloaded and overwhelmed. We can hit the proverbial brick wall.

Giving ourselves grace to false start and start again is the only way we keep going.

I’m curious, where are your false starts? What are you struggling to get from start to finish? What are your favourite tactics to help you start, and re-start, your way to done?


What We Need


Reflect Together