Commit To Change

Commitment is a huge part of making change happen.

We choose a moment in time and commit to do something differently. Maybe it is your birthday and you decide, during this next year I’m going to do X differently, or more of Y, or change up Z.

We take that commitment and we (hopefully) begin. Invariably, we might have a false start or two, trip and stumble, change tactics, get frustrated with ourselves, make a little bit of progress, keep going, have another stumble … and so on and so forth.

Commitment isn’t a ‘once and done’ part of the change experience.

We commit, and re-commit, often.

Each time we take a step forward. Each hurdle we encounter. Each inspired story that reminds us of our purpose for change. Each day, week, month or year. We commit. We re-commit. A pinky promise we make with ourselves. Over and over and over.

Change isn’t linear, easy, nor guaranteed, and our commitment takes us a long way toward the change we seek to make.


The Time It Takes


Giving Our All