The Blank Screen

“You know you’re staring at a blank screen …” were the observant / helpful / quizzical words from my son as he walked up behind me at my desk.

“What’s your topic?”

“Change …”

“Just change your topic and then it gives you something about change to write because of the new topic …”

“I’ll write about this conversation”

“Sure …” and with that he was gone.

When we’re about to start something it’s easy to find ourselves staring at the blank screen - or its equivalent. That moment of tension when we might continue to think (and stare) into the nothing; working through either thousands or zero starting points; maybe battling the voices of procrastination or, worse, thoughts of giving up.

In that moment, how might we ask ourselves the one question that breaks the tension, to reframe what we’re trying to do, to zoom out and consider things from a whole other perspective?

It’s easier to move when we are in motion, and although we may end up going down a different path, that can open up new possibilities (much like my writing has today).

Getting off that starting line is key.

I’m curious, what might you change to get yourself moving?


Roar For Change


Start The Week