Roar For Change

Please roar for change.

Ironically, these words were quietly spoken, contained within a broader message, not intended as the topper, and yet so very powerful.

We know it takes courage to make change happen.

Sometimes we are compelled to display that courage openly, shouting from the rooftops of the change that is necessary.

Other times, our roars for change can be softer.

Persistent, and consistent, displays of our care and conviction for the cause.

Pursuing incremental change with confidence. It might not work, and that’s okay. We can try again, and again.

Patiently connecting all the parts and the people to bring the change to fruition.

When we roar for change, however loudly, we bring our courage to the fore, and change can happen.

I’m curious, where are you roaring for change?


Effervescent Change


The Blank Screen