Starting Again, Again

Fifth time lucky.

This was my thought as I worked through false start after false start, and on the fifth attempt I was off and running.

Thankfully most of what I do isn’t a race, and I’m not about to be disqualified after one or two false starts.

For that reason, there is freedom in the false start.

I get to begin,

make my way a little along the path,

fizzle out,

notice the false start,

refresh myself, and

start again.

Five attempts later, I have not only started, but I’ve found my rhythm and made good progress.  In no time at all, I’ll be finished. The false starts will be a distant memory.

For most of us, the work we’re doing won’t be penalised for a false start, or four. The biggest penalty is usually an internal one, where our own expectations aren’t met, and we get frustrated and disappointed in our efforts.

What if we give ourselves the grace to take the starts needed to get into flow? How might we see the start we do make as Xth time lucky?


A New Story


My Motto Is …