A New Story

“X is not my strong point!”

I heard myself saying these words and recognised the familiar story I tell myself.

Without the story, I know that I am competent and capable at this particular task. I replaced my original words with:

“It takes a different type of focus and energy to do …”

That energy and focus isn’t always available to me and so the tasks themselves feel harder. I procrastinate a little (or a lot) and I take one step forward, three back. All of it leading to a place where I feel less competent and capable. And, it feeds the story I tell myself about my strong, and not-so-strong, points.

At our core, we humans are storytellers and some of the biggest stories we tell are the ones told to ourselves.

Some are useful, others not so much. Some pages need to be removed from our story book and others can be re-written to reflect a truer, more useful story.

Which makes me wonder what you hear when you’re listening to your own stories, and which you might put in the editing pile today?


Gifts Abound


Starting Again, Again