My Motto Is …

What’s your motto?

Puzzled looks were the answers I received when I asked this question in a workshop. Behind the looks I could hear the thoughts of: Motto? I don’t have a motto.

If I were to ask:

What do you believe?

What do you value?

What motivates you?

What energises you?

What are you seeking?

How do you show up?

How do you do your work, live your life, interact and communicate?

I am sure to get some clearer answers.

With reflection, observation and intention we can find our way through these answers toward our unique motto.

Self awareness is a key part of how we learn, grow, change, and achieve what we are seeking.

Distilling it into a short, sharp personal motto can act as a guide when navigating work and life’s challenges.

And, makes for a cool t-shirt design, as well, don’t you think 😉


Starting Again, Again


Look At This!