Look At This!

“Look at this!”

My friend holds up their phone to show me a photo. Taken by drone photography it showed a view of where we were sitting.

Wow. In all the years I had been in this exact spot, I had never seen it from this perspective.

The lesson about perspective is one we can learn and re-learn many times over. It never gets old. Because we know that if we want to see something with fresh eyes, to notice new details or observe the differences, it helps to shift our perspective.

To ask questions,

Zoom in,

and out,

Pull it apart,

and put it back together,

Turn it upside down,

and around.

To consider a different point of view can amaze, inform, and change us. It is worth doing when we’ve got a decision to make, and a problem to solve. And it is worth doing with the everyday things that we have seen in one way for a long time, and to see what else we might see.

As we embark on a new working week, I’m curious, what might you be looking at, and what might you see?


My Motto Is …


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