Small Changes

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As the saying goes, a small change can make a big difference.

After a wet winter here in Perth 🌧 today was a day of blue skies and sunshine ☀️ and what a difference it made.

Smiles on faces.

Energy levels up.

Bounce in the step.

Fresh air. Vitamin D.

Everything seems more possible.

Optimism and hope abounds.

It is the change many of my fellow Perth peeps and I have been waiting for. Too much of the same - whatever it be - doesn’t work for most of us. We seek, and enjoy, these changes more than we might realise.

And, in 6 months time, we’ll welcome in the cool change after a long, hot summer.

Things change. Such is the rhythm of life.

While it lasts we’ll enjoy the sunny days.


Energy Saving


What We Expect