Energy Saving

drip by drip576.png

My web browser displays a banner when a website is using significant energy.

As someone who operates with many tabs simultaneously open, it really helps to know where I can save some energy. When I see this message, I take action. Closing down tabs; saving them as bookmarks; or (finally) reading that information I was seeking out.

I tend to run with lots of tabs open in my brain, too, so it would be helpful to have this feature for my mind. In the absence of a message, the onus is on me to remain mindful of what is draining more of my energy.  I must be conscious of not taking on more and more to store in my working memory. I must periodically close down some tabs and get the information out of my head. I must be aware of when my thinking is lagging.

Most of all, it is the reminder we all need that if our computers need a break when trying to do too much, then we humans also need one from time to time.

What do you think - do you get a message when your energy is running low?


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