Imagine Change

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Can you imagine what it would be like?

"It" can be replaced by whatever change we are seeking.

"It" might be to feel healthier. "It" might be a new job. "It" might be increasing confidence when giving your next presentation. "It" might be learning something new.

Whatever "it" is, can you imagine what it would be like?

When we are seeking a change, connecting deeply with what that change means to us is a vital step in moving forward.

When we ask ourselves:

❓ What does a day in my life look like when I’ve made the change?

❓ How will this change make my life better?

❓ What will help me to create energy and excitement for making this change?

Visualise it, write it down, tell someone about it, draw a picture, or make a vision board. All of these techniques reconnect you with why the change you seek is important, and they serve as reminders as you go through the bumpy road of making it happen.

We often start our work weeks ready to take on the world. It’s a good time to ask: can you imagine what it would be like?


It Will Change


Energy Saving