Slow Down Time

Could my brain be any fuller.

Yes, it’s a rhetorical question.

As a colleague and I wondered who prematurely turned the calendar forward to a new month, we reflected on how the more we have to think about, the quicker the time goes.

So if we don’t want March to march on by, something must change.

How might we create the space in our days, in our calendars, and in our brains to slllloooowwww things down a little?

For me, it will be about remembering to punctuate my days with moments of quiet. Even a deliberate 5 minute brain-break between meetings or tasks provides a reset.

And, instead of juggling all of the balls at once, using some dedicated time blocks to focus on one of the balls at a time helps avoid the energy loss from constant switching.

Two simple tactics to be mindful of in March, to balance the full-brain feeling, and provide space for savouring not racing through all the things.

How about you? I’m curious what ’s your intention for the month ahead?


Little Things


Always Learning