Little Things

Little things can make a big difference.

When it comes to change, we’re often drawn to the big changes. It is these that are most often celebrated in our workplaces, our communities, on social media, and so forth.

When we take time to reflect on what is at the root of big change, it is often an accumulation of the little things. They add up. They ripple into waves. They drip, drip and drip. They make change happen.

When we lament that the big changes aren’t happening - or happening quickly - it is time to consider a little action we might take.

We can all start the ball of big change rolling.

I’m curious, what’s something small that you’ve done to create bigger change in your work and life? I’ve kicked off with a couple of mine below.

  1. Taking the stairs not the lift.

  2. Putting my phone away during a conversation.


Expect Change


Slow Down Time